Luke and Elke Short
Mount Dora, FL
On Valentines Day of 1998, Luke and Elke Short celebrated
their thirteenth wedding anniversary with joy and gratitude. Both had lost their spousesto cancer and a sudden, massive heart
attackand this made them realize that they needed to make changes in their busy and
stressful lives.
This did not happen immediately, however. Instead, it was a case of "the third
time is a charm." They both had been introduced to AIM BarleygreenÔ
on two separate occasions but had not been able to make a decision on using the product.
The third time, however, in December of 1987, everything came together.
Elke was juicing fresh, organic vegetables and was teaching others the importance of
eating and juicing for wellness. Unfortunately, people did not seem to have the time or
energy to do their own juicing, and Elke had been praying for an answer to this dilemma.
She received her answer when Karen, one of her reflexology clients, told her about
"this strange green stuff, AIM BarleygreenÔ, which was
just like juicing without all the work."
Elke agreed to try AIM BarleygreenÔ wholesale to save time
and money. She was not interested in a business, since she had a new marriage, a new
family, and a full-time job. However, after using the AIM products, Elke and Luke became
so excited that they just naturally shared their enthusiasm with their friends. Elke
remembers "being surprised when AIM sent us our first check. I didn't know why
anybody would pay us for using healthy food. One of my friends threw her first check away
thinking it was advertising! That didnt happen a second time!"
Today, Luke and Elke are active business-builders. They enjoy
helping others based on their individual health and financial needs, tell their
story, and offer others the opportunity to use products at wholesale prices.
Although Luke and Elke try to meet immediate health needs, they also realize that
helping people before a health crisis occurs is important. Their current focus is on
teaching people of all ages and occupations the importance of keeping their health by learning and living the Healthy Cell ConceptÔ.
They are especially concerned about starting children on the road to good health. As
they say, "Our mission is not just to give children Disney World as their dying wish,
but to help children grow up to be truly healthy so that they can enjoy the Magic Kingdom
with their own children and grandchildren."
Elke and Luke are firm believers in developing relationships and following up. Luke
notes that "we are constantly calling customers and our downline, talking to them,
and encouraging them. We hold meetings in our home, in the homes of others, and keep an
800 number so people can call in with their questions."
"We teach and help people one at a time or in groups in homes, businesses, or
churches. We travel extensively to help others and give presentations. We have journeyed
from Florida to New England, to Canada, and on to California to hold meetings. When we
travel to AIM events, we like to find out who is in the local area and get together with
them and hold meetings. For example, after the coming Celebration 99! in Baltimore,
we are planning a trip along the East Coast and are currently scheduling seminars for the
benefit of our downline."
The Shorts especially appreciate and thank AIM, the AIM staff, their
many friends and their entire network, without whose loyalty, friendship, and help their
current success would have been difficult to attain.
In summary, what has the AIM business meant for them? Elke says it well:
"Its a special joy to care deeply for families, to give them hope and
friendship and offer choices for improving their physical, emotional, social, and
financial lives."
Other Success Stories This success story is reproduced from the bi-monthly Partners Magazine with the permission of AIM International
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